Wednesday, 2 December 2020


Task description  for today art our class could draw anything
i choose to write a panda i also had to express my feeling by
coloring example blue for sad things like that for the color i
put on is yellow meaning i am feeling good me knowing that
i have a great life and im sensing joy the  green color is the meaning
of me feeling great in life like im going to have a great day.   


Tuesday, 1 December 2020


task description : for today art i had to take a picture
of me doing anything like me when i am upside down
or make me look like i was standing on something 
that what i had to do next i had to take a picture of a 
background so i took a picture of the sun and i made
it my background then cut the picture of me and
stick it on the background just like that 


jonathan Duffy book


task description :  today we got our Duffy book that
we picked from the list of paper it nearly cost like a
thousands or hundred thousands i would like to say 
thank you for buying these books for us and for 
donating the other books for the fifita family