Wednesday 2 December 2020


Task description  for today art our class could draw anything
i choose to write a panda i also had to express my feeling by
coloring example blue for sad things like that for the color i
put on is yellow meaning i am feeling good me knowing that
i have a great life and im sensing joy the  green color is the meaning
of me feeling great in life like im going to have a great day.   


Tuesday 1 December 2020


task description : for today art i had to take a picture
of me doing anything like me when i am upside down
or make me look like i was standing on something 
that what i had to do next i had to take a picture of a 
background so i took a picture of the sun and i made
it my background then cut the picture of me and
stick it on the background just like that 


jonathan Duffy book


task description :  today we got our Duffy book that
we picked from the list of paper it nearly cost like a
thousands or hundred thousands i would like to say 
thank you for buying these books for us and for 
donating the other books for the fifita family 

Thursday 26 November 2020

Rainbow End

 Yesterday on the 25 of November us year 7 went for a trip at rainbow end we all were split into groups the trip was for free the government was paying for everything everything was fine there were bad news and good new the bad news was that it was raining for 30 minutes   some rides were closed but luckily it stopped but the good news was that they weren't that much people there so we could go on a ride like five times a row the faster ride was the rolacoster the highest was the strati fear the scariest is the strati fear the best one was the rolacoster and the gold rush the 3 best moments was that we were that me and my friends went to the cold rush like 3 time in a row there were that much people there like in the line in every single line my second best moment is that me bumping of my friend in the bumper cars my last favorite moment was in the strati fear we were really high like really high we could see the whole manukau that how much fun i had. thank you for reading my work and have a great day

task description : for today i had write about  what we did yesterday at rainbow end 

Thursday 19 November 2020



task description : for this math work i had to answer some question like b is 
5 in algebra or a is 9 in algebra things like choose 

solving algebraic equitation


task description : for math i had to solve some math questions algebra questions
and we had to go on a site that will give us some questions and that we needed too answer.    



task description : for my art work i had to pick a work from Alberto
the famous artiest  we had to talk about the size and the name that 
what i had to do for my art hope enjoy.