Friday 16 October 2020



TITLE : I will be talking about my experience for the past week and what it was like at school when i came back.

INFO :When i  came back from my mini holiday it was nervous for me cause i thought the rules would be strict like term 2 but to my surprise everything was normal like term 1. Except we still had to put hand sanitizer on our hand and we still got to bring our water bottle but it was still fun my experience for the past week was fun. To be honest it was just like a normal school day we get to go swimming, play volleyball and play with our friends. To be honest it was boring at home not talking to anyone or playing with anyone. I missed school and missed work I just wanted. To do something instead of going on my iPad or Chromebook  but now i'm back at school and i'm having fun. thank you for reading and i hope you like it.

Task description : For today i had to write about my experience for the past week and when i 
came back from school talking about how school was going for me 

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